Getting Started
Students can enhance their academic experience at Nebraska by participating in study, internship, research, or service learning abroad. With many unique programs in over 70 countries, students have the opportunity to find the perfect fit for their individual academic, personal, and professional goals and budgets. Congratulations on taking the first step to participating in a global experience!
Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin the planning process:
- Start early! It is recommended to start planning 8 months to a year in advance.
- Attend a Huskers Abroad 101 session to start learning about the process of going abroad.
- Do your research. Check out the Program Types page to explore your options.
- Read about ways to Fund Your Experience Abroad.
- Touch base with your academic advisor.
- Read through the other helpful resources available to you on our website such as: Health & Safety, Travel Logistics, and Identities Abroad.
We look forward to working with you as you plan for what will be one of the most thrilling, educational, and challenging opportunities of your life.

First Time Traveler
Review suggestions and resources if traveling abroad for the first time.
Accessibility & Mobility
As you prepare for your experience abroad, consider your host country’s physical landscape and academic support services.
Mental Health & Cultural Adjustment
International travel can be stressful for all; even those who have not previously had mental health concerns. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. In fact, students studying abroad are more likely to experience a mental health concern than a physical one.