Fees and Payments

Review the information and resources presented below in regards to "Fees and Payments" as you prepare for your experience abroad. It is important to also review details about the "Adjustment to the Cost of Attendance" and it may be helpful to work closely with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.


When possible, the Global Experiences Office will bill your MyRED student account for your program cost (less any paid deposits) in the regular billing cycle of the term in which you go abroad. MyRED has multiple payment options. UNL has special billing arrangements with many affiliated organizations, allowing UNL to bill you for the majority of your program cost through your MyRED student account. Please check with the Global Experiences Office if you have questions about billing arrangements for your program. 

You may be billed by the Global Experiences Office, by your program sponsor, or by a combination of the two. For all expenses billed by UNL, the charges will appear on your MyRED account as "Study Abroad Fees." If you are billed directly by another sponsor for all or part of your program costs, please pay special attention to deadlines, payment options, and possible payment deferment until financial aid is disbursed.

If you are billed for any program via your MyRED student account, late payments will be subject to the same sanctions that apply to all delinquent accounts.

For all programs, you should budget for additional out-of-pocket expenses that are not included in the official program cost.

Financial Aid

If you currently receive federal financial aid (grants and/or loans) to help fund your education at UNL, you may be able to apply your aid to an approved credit-bearing global experiences program.

If you are not currently receiving financial aid, but believe you may need assistance to fund your program, start by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or a FAFSA Renewal Form, ideally in February or March prior to the academic year you plan to go abroad.

In order to be eligible for the maximum amount of federal financial aid, you must meet certain credit hour enrollment requirements. Please visit the Husker Hub to learn about the important policies and procedures governing federal aid, and how they relate to your experience.

Plan ahead! You should allow 4-6 weeks for financial aid processing.

Adjustment to Cost of Attendance

The OSFA will need to adjust your estimated cost of attendance for the term in which you plan to go abroad. The Education Abroad Office will help you determine the cost of attendance for your specific program, broken down into the following five categories:

  • Tuition/Fees
  • Room/Board
  • Books/Supplies
  • Travel Expenses
  • Miscellaneous Expenses

Please note that you may include airfare, in-country transportation, day-to-day spending money, passport and visa fees, etc., but you may not include leisure (non-academic) travel and costs. Regardless of the total cost, the amount you may be eligible to borrow cannot exceed the federal limits based on your grade level.

For UNL Faculty-Led programs, detailed cost information will be available on the Education Abroad website. For other programs, your program sponsor will provide you with billable program costs as well as estimates for out-of-pocket costs. If you find at any stage of the process that your estimate was inaccurate, please contact the Education Abroad staff to request a re-adjustment.

The Importance of Registration

UNL cannot disburse your awarded aid if you are not properly registered for your program and have completed and adjustment to cost of attendance. Learn more about the how to register and the importance of registering for the correct number of credits.

Special Summer Considerations

In mid-March, after registering for your summer program, complete the UNL Summer Aid Application: MyRED / Financial Aid tab – Manage/Summer Aid Application.

Remember that you must enroll in a minimum of 4 credit hours in order to be eligible for half-time and at least 6 credit hours for three-quarters Summer aid. You may meet this requirement with a combination of education abroad courses, on-campus UNL courses, distance UNL courses, etc.

Many students study abroad on a UNL Faculty-Led program for 3 credits during the Pre-Session of the Summer term. As you plan, keep in mind that you will not receive Summer aid until the session in which you meet the minimum credit hour requirement to be eligible for financial aid. This means that you may be billed for your study abroad program prior to receiving your aid.

Also, the academic (and financial aid) year runs from the Fall term through the Summer term. Some students exhaust much of their available aid for the year in the Fall and Spring terms, leaving fewer options by the time Summer arrives. Your OSFA advisor will discuss your options with you.

Logistical Challenges when You're Far Away


If you anticipate receiving a financial aid refund while abroad, be sure to sign up for Direct Deposit to your checking account: MyRED / Student Accounts tab / Manage – Enroll in Direct Deposit

If you prefer to receive a refund check in the mail, update your address to a residence where a responsible person will receive your refund check in a timely manner: MyRED / Records tab / Manage – Addresses

Power of Attorney (POA)

If there's any chance you'll need to communicate with, or sign financial paperwork for UNL while you're abroad, be sure to give the Husker Hub a copy of your Power of Attorney (POA) agreement. It will allow your POA designee to more easily step in and help out in your absence.

Long-Term Considerations 

If you spend an extended period of time abroad, pay special attention to deadlines like completing a FAFSA for next year, filing your income taxes, signing a lease, voting, etc.

Commitment Deposit

If you are participating in a UNL Faculty-Led or Exchange program, you will need to make a deposit to secure a place in the program. Deposit schedules and amounts vary. The deposit will be applied to the overall cost of your program and will include the non-refundable Global Experiences Fee.

If you fail to pay the Commitment Deposit (or submit a Commitment Deposit Payment Deferment Plan Agreement) by the established due date, you risk losing your place in the program. If a late payment results in low program enrollment, the program may be cancelled. Also, returned checks are subject to a $30 returned check fee.

Withdrawal from a UNL program: If you withdraw from a UNL program after you have made a commitment to participate (by paying the commitment deposit or submitting an agreement), you will be financially responsible for any non-recoverable costs associated with your participation at the time of withdrawal, as well as the Education Abroad Fee. Please note:

  • Non-recoverable costs vary by program and typically increase closer to the program start date.
  • Calculation of these costs may take time as the Global Experiences staff reviews the refund and cancellation policies of the program’s vendors (airlines, hotels, etc.).
  • Each committed participant is responsible for a portion of program costs that are divided evenly among all participants (chartered bus, tour guides, etc.). The participant’s portion of group costs is considered a non-recoverable cost.
  • The total non-recoverable amount may exceed the commitment deposit amount, in which case the participant will be billed the additional amount due.

For Affiliated or Unlisted programs, you will likely be financially liable to the program administrator. Withdrawal dates, fees, and deposits vary, so please read the information on the program administrator's website carefully.

Education Abroad Fee

The Global Experiences Fee is a mandatory fee charged to all UNL students who participate in a credit-bearing global experiences program, regardless of program type. It is also charged to non-UNL students participating in UNL programs. The amount of the fee is based on the length of the program. 

Fee Structure:

  • $350 - Programs less than or equal to 14 days in the country
  • $550 - Programs greater than 15 days in the country 
  • $750 - Semester-long programs
  • $900 - Full Academic Year programs

*Note: The $550 fee is only applicable for Summer Programs despite semester programs being greater than 15 days.

UNL is not unique in charging these fees and many universities charge much higher amount. Most public universities have a "fee-based" funding model where support for studying abroad is funded by students who are studying abroad. The Global Experiences Fee partially finances the operation of the Global Experiences Office. The fee cannot be waived no matter the services you receive from Global Experiences. 

The Global Experiences Fee is non-refundable and may appear as a separate charge on your student account or it may be included in your overall program cost. If you are not accepted into the program, you will not be charged this fee. 

Cost of Attendance

Adjustment to Cost of Attendance

The Husker Hub and the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) will need to adjust your estimated cost of attendance for the term in which you plan to go abroad. The Global Experiences Office will help you determine the cost of attendance for your specific program, broken down into the following five categories:

  • Tuition/Fees
  • Room/Board
  • Books/Supplies
  • Travel Expenses
  • Miscellaneous Expenses

Please note that you may include airfare, in-country transportation, day-to-day spending money, passport and visa fees, required immunizations, etc., but you may not include leisure (non-academic) travel and costs. Regardless of the total cost, the amount you may be eligible to borrow cannot exceed the federal limits based on your grade level.

For UNL Faculty-Led programs, detailed cost information will be available on the MyWorld web brochure. For other programs, your program sponsor will provide you with billable program costs as well as estimates for out-of-pocket costs. If you find at any stage of the process that your estimate was inaccurate, please contact the Global Experiences staff to request a re-adjustment.

How to Complete your Adjustment to Cost of Attendance Form (Choose one)

  1. Complete the form during an advising appointment with a Global Experiences Coordinator
  2. Or email your coordinator directly with the following information:
    • Name of your program
    • Chosen housing option (if applicable)
    • Cost of flight (if flight is not included in your program cost)