Explore the following pages to learn more about the benefits of earning credit abroad, the different types of credit, and how to get your courses pre-evaluated before you leave.
Pre-Departure Credit Evaluation
1. Research courses you would like to take abroad.
Begin by exploring the list of course offerings specific to your program to determine which courses you would like to take abroad. A list of available courses can usually be found online, either on the program's website or by searching the host university's online course catalog. Make sure to read the course description and download the syllabus for each course, if available. It's recommended that you select two or more "back up" options should your first choices not be available.
2. Print and complete or fill in the online pdf of the Pre-Departure Education Abroad Credit form.
Prepare at least one form per department by completing Sections 1 and 2. In Section 1, you must list the institution granting credit (e.g., host university) and mark whether this is a U.S. or international institution. If you are unsure, ask your program contact.
3. Email the designated transfer credit evaluator(s).
A transfer credit evaluator is a UNL faculty or staff member who meets with students to determine how their credit earned abroad will come back to UNL. You will have to take or email one completed Pre-Departure Credit form per department along with the course description and/or syllabus to the designated transfer credit evaluator. The evaluator will determine the anticipated equivalent UNL course/subject and number of credit hours, and will complete and sign the form. Make sure to ask if you are required to have the course evaluated upon your return, and the items you will need to provide the evaluator at that time.
4. Email globalexperiences@unl.edu to ensure the process has been completed.
After the transfer credit evaluator completes the evaluation and pre-departure credit form, they will forward the form to your college dean's office or advising center for the final signatures in section 5. The college dean's office or advising center will then return the signed form to the Global Experiences Office.
Final Credit Evaluation
1. Ensure that your transcript is sent directly to the Global Experiences Office.
Upon receipt of your transcript, Global Experiences staff will prepare the Request for Departmental Evaluation U.S. Institution Transfer Credit form or the Request for Departmental Evaluation International Transfer Credit form, depending on the institution granting credit, by completing Sections 1 and 2.
2. Review Sections 1 and 2 for accuracy.
You will receive instructions via email from Global Experiences staff regarding the completion of these forms.
3. Take the printed form with Sections 1 and 2 completed along with course descriptions and/or syllabi to the designated transfer credit evaluator.
The evaluator will determine the equivalent UNL course/subject and number of credit hours, and complete Section 4 of the form. Afterward, the evaluator will forward the signed form to their college’s dean’s office or advising center. The college will complete Section 5 and send the completed form to the Office of Admissions for final processing.
4. Check the status of your transfer credit using your Degree Audit in MyRED.
If you have questions about how or whether the transfer credits meet a particular requirement for graduation, ACE, or your major/minor, please contact your academic advisor.
To receive credit you will need an official transcript from an accredited institution displaying coursework, letter grades and credit amounts. For most programs, this arrangement has been made for you. If your program requests you to fill out a form or is unsure of where to send the transcript upon completion of your program, the address is:
Global Experiences Office
Attn: Operations Coordinator
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Louise Pound Hall 130
512 N 12th Street
Lincoln, NE 68588-0314
There is no single typical timeline for your credit to be posted to your UNL record. The amount of time it will take varies widely based on country and program, several weeks to several months after your return is normal. If you plan to graduate within one semester of completing your program, inform the Global Experiences Office, and your academic advisor. Credit will be processed as quickly as possible, however, graduation may be delayed.
Previously Approved Transfer Credit
Students participating in a global experience have the opportunity to earn many different types of credit from other institutions that can count toward their UNL degree. To help students and advisors choose the program and course of study right for them, below is a link to a list of courses students have taken abroad at other institutions and how those courses came back to UNL. This list is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to guarantee any type of credit to students or to replace the normal pre-departure credit evaluation process.