Scholarships to help fund your program can come from a variety of sources. Be sure to put plenty of time and thought into researching and applying for scholarships. Many students are able to combine several small awards that add up to make a big difference. Review the links below for scholarship and funding opportunities.

Global Experiences Office Administered Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded by the Global Experiences Office and/or an external committee, and have various types of award criteria, including: language learning, previous travel, program sponsor, host country, and program type.

GEO Administered Scholarships

National Scholarships

Nationally competitive scholarships can also be used to fund experiences abroad during or after your time at UNL. These awards include opportunities for studying, learning a language, researching, interning, and teaching abroad.

National Scholarships

Scholarships & Fellowships

UNL's Office of Undergraduate Research & Fellowships provides information and application assistance for national and international awards, including:

UNL College and Departmental Scholarships

UNL Colleges and Departments have a variety of scholarships and travel grants that are awarded to their students. Please inquire with your college or department administration for more details. Funding from the College of Business and Department of Modern Languages & Literatures are awarded through the MAPS Scholarship Application.



Renewable Financial Aid and UNL Scholarships

Do you already use financial aid and scholarships to help pay for your education at UNL? Certain scholarships and financial aid can be used to offset your expenses. As you select a program type and program sponsor, ask the Global Experiences Office and Husker Hub for guidance on applying the aid you already have.



Scholarship FAQs

Find answers to questions about Global Experiences Administered Scholarships.

Scholarship FAQs

Affiliate Program Scholarships

Many affiliate programs offer scholarship opportunities for students participating on their programs. Check directly with your organization for funding and scholarship opportunities. These organizations have their own application process and deadlines.

API and ISA offer a pool of scholarship funding for UNL students, and recipients are selected by the Global Experiences office through the MAPS Scholarship Application review.

The following Affiliates offer automatic scholarships or discounts to UNL students that are deducted from a student's program cost:

AffiliateSemester DiscountSummer Discount
CET Academic Programs$1,000$500

$500 (per three-week session)

*Ask your Coordinator for more details!

IES Abroad$1,000 
SIT Study Abroad$1,500$750
University of Minnesota Learning Abroad Center$1,000$500