Assuming no delays, a GIMOU can be processed within 2-3 weeks. Extended holidays (here or overseas), complications with translations, slow responses from individuals who must give approval and the travel schedule of key signatories are all factors that can slow processing.
- Interest develops between UNL faculty/staff and the partner institution.
- A request for GIMOU is made by the UNL faculty/staff.
The interested UNL faculty/staff member completes "Form 1: Request for a GIMOU" and submits it to the Office of Global Partnerships & Initiatives.
- A GIMOU is drafted.
The Office of Global Partnerships & Initiatives works with its counterpart at the partner institution (and often the UNL faculty/staff) to draw up a document that suits the needs of both institutions.
- The GIMOU is approved by the relevant department(s)/college(s).
The Office of Global Partnerships & Initiatives routes the draft to secure approval from all relevant chairs/heads/deans. This approval includes review by the UNL Office of Research Export Control Compliance Program, to ensure that all Export Control checks are met. Simultaneously, the partner routes the draft for the necessary approval at its institution. If changes are necessary, the Office of Global Partnerships & Initiatives and its counterpart generate another draft and route it again for proper approval.
- The final document is prepared and signed.
The Office of Global Partnerships & Initiatives prepares the final document, secures the chancellor's signature and sends the document to the partner for signing. A completed set is returned to the Office of Global Partnerships & Initiatives,
- The signed document is circulated and filed.
The Office of Global Partnerships & Initiatives scans the fully-signed document, sends it out to the people at UNL who were involved in the processing, the files and agreement. The agreement appears on the next updated version of Current International Agreements